They are on the deck of a haul truck here.

Weston had fluid in his lungs when he was born. They were afraid it would turn to pneumonia so he was started on an IV antibiotic and kept in the nursery to monitor his oxygen. He had to stay there for two days. He couldn't come to our room, so we had to go to the nursery to visit him and feed him my milk through a bottle because his oxygen would drop if he tried too hard to eat. By Sunday he was able to come to our room with his IV in tow. His x-rays and blood tests were good except he was showing signs of an infection, thank heaven it wasn't pneumonia!!! We would have had to go to Primary Children's in Salt Lake if he had. So they continued the antibiotic for 7 days and he had to be at the hospital for it because of the IV. He kept pulling the IV out, so they had to put it in his left arm twice, once in his right and finally, they day before we were to go home, they had to put it in his head because all his other veins were too tired from daily blood draws. So the above picture is our little fighter pilot. That's what we thought he looked like with his little hat made of gauze.
Finally on Thursday the 24th at 9:00 pm we were able to go home!!! And we were so excited!! It was hard to be at the hospital when everyone else was taking home their babies. But our nurses were AWESOME!!! They took such good care of Weston and the rest of us. We are so glad to be home though!!
And the highlight and reason for the trip was the beautiful wedding of Juston and Nicole!! They are wonderful together and look so happy!! It was awesome to be at the temple with them and then to go to the reception the next night.